Thursday, August 1, 2013

Heading for Selaron's Stairs.

 As we were in a hurry to meet Evandro and his vermilion van, our descent from Pao de Acucar and Morro da Urca went in a blur. While I still found myself dumbly staring at the views, I was distracted with the pressing urgency of rushing to the central station to meet our guide. About fifteen minutes later, we had achieved our ultimate goal of descending the staggering peaks, to reach the still bustling and crowded station. We scanned the wide parking lot in front of the main entrance for a couple of seconds, before sighting the friendly sight of a large, orange minivan, which we shortly stepped into.
      Seeing our bright, enthusiastic faces, Evandro simply smiled and asked us, "How was it?"
To which we effusively narrated the details of our dramatic ascent to the peaks of Morro da Urca and Pao da Acucar. After listening to us gush  for a few more minutes, he grinned as he told us we would next be taking a quick look at Parque do Flamengo.
    I resumed observing the rapidly moving streets of Rio de Janiero from the backseat, refusing to miss even the minute details. Once five minutes or so had passed, we finally slowed to a smooth halt as we approached an astounding view of Pao de Acucar and Morro da Urca, which proudly stood across the sleek waters of Gunabara Bay. Although I didn't get the same feeling I had when I stood on the peak of Pao da Acucar, this was altogether a different experiance. The sun had already begin its steady descent, casting a faint orangish light on the face of Pao da Azucar, and leaving Morro da Urca, its much wider, shorter, fatter and elongated brother, much darker in comparison. It was beautiful. After standing at that picturesque spot for a couple of more moments, we realized that we would have to hasten ourselves a bit, for we still were to see Christ the Redeemer, as well as Corcovado,  Selaron's Stairs, Maracana, and the favelas. But, with the sun setting fast, I doubted if we could still visit all of these places in just a couple of hours. Yet, in spite of my nagging suspicions, all of these doubts suddenly dissipated from my mind as Evandro hit the accelerator. We were heading for Selaron's Stairs. (Whatever those were) Selaron's Stairs

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