Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Such Majesty

 After a few more minutes, once the bright pink hue of the sky melted into a deep violet, we slowed to a stop before a lengthy flight of stairs, which lead to the illuminated posterior of Cristo Redentor.  I couldn't believe it. We were so close. Thus, in spite of my aching feet and my heavy eyelids, I was renewed with energy to ascend those treacherous stairs. While my mother did not seem to share this enthusiasm, we took to the steep, black, marble stairs after a few short breaths. Although it took a particular amount of energy climbing those steep stairs, my eyes were not fixed on those petty obstacles, but the tremendously vivid figure of Cristo Redentor before me.
         We had no doubt missed the sunset, seeing that the figure's top half was suffused with an orange light, and the bottom with a bright green, but it didn't matter. It was still...amazing. The closer I came to the awe-inspiring statue, the faster I climbed the stairs, heedless of the searing pain within them. This was Cristo Redentor. Christ the Redeemer.
       His robes were cut with a fine, simple precision, running down in vertical strips to emulate folds. And even though his raiment from behind seemed relatively simple, heaving only a few clear-cut creases, Cristo Redentor demanded and received attention and respect from every angle. Not watching my step, I faltered a little as I crossed over the last one. We had finally reached the broad, smooth, black-marbled pavilion that stood at the base of the enormous monument. Staring in awe at the broad back of this incredible monument, I wondered how it would finally feel standing directly before Him. So small in the midst of such majesty.

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