Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Illuminated Face of Cristo Redentor.

   We came around to the front of Cristo Redentor, and finally summoned the audacity to stare directly into his face. I instantaneously felt small and insignificant ,looking up at such a formidable figure, which could be seen from all of the distant corners of Rio de Janiero. Although there were clusters of  bustling tourists and dozens of bright, flashing lights from cameras, I could not bring myself to look away from what stood magnaimously before me.
         Now that I stood only a few meters from the base from the incredible statue, I had an unhindered view of His face. I no longer had to wistfully imagine what it would look like. In the faint orange light, his visage shone broad, angular, having a strong chin, and solemn, not cheerily welcoming residents of the city, but rather soberly accepting his responsibility to protect them. I looked closer at the details on his face. His eyes were blank, having no pupils with which to inspect his surroundings. And yet, I felt like these minute, unnecessary details would take away from the powerful of the landmark. It would make it more complicated, more human. As I hungrily continued to scrutinize the statue, I realized that most of the carving in the work was done to preserve its pure and striking simplicity.
      Framing his face were his long, strands of hair, which gave off the appearance of being soft, and smooth in spite of their being carved from marble. Other than a faint mustache at his upper lip, the solemn face of Christ had no other noticeable attempts at minute details, being rather plain and smooth. With difficulty, I pulled my eyes from Christ's face as if held in a trance, and continued to examine the rest of him, including his symbolically outstretched arms and plain apparel.  And for a moment, I almost found it hard to breath, standing before in the illuminated face of Cristo Redentor.

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