Monday, July 8, 2013

Green Grapes

Before hastily leaving for the airport (two hours in advance), my mum quickly threw a couple of old grapes into a Ziplock bag. I scoffed at them, calling them old and squishy.However, my mum wagged a finger at me, telling me that I'd want them later. I again rolled my eyes in mockery and disbelief. About thirty minutes later, we all found ourselves in the car with our luggage in the trunk. I stared silently out the clear windows, as I bid my home goodbye. As we sped past the little green suburb, lined with well kept apartments, I couldn't help thinking about what would come next. Yet, I had no idea. It was only a few minutes before I promptly fell asleep, my head lolling lazily to the side, as we steadily approached the gateway into the unknown.

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