Sunday, July 7, 2013

Greetings, fellow interwebbers!

Google "Brazil-travel info". Do it. It'll only take a second.  You'll find that you are inundated with numerous travel guides promising you a fantastic experience in this exotic county. But, where to start? When you click on an interesting city, let's say Rio de Janiero, you'll most likely receive a blase and superficial review, like, "It's an enchanting city. It's powdery-white sand beaches are to die for." But, at this humble blog, I will offer you a vivid tale of all of the winding roads I've crossed and the bustling cities I've been, ranging from Rio de Janiero, Foz de Iguacu, Manaus, and the Amazon. So, sit back, relax, and prepare yourself to take a long, long, journey. Who knows? You might even learn something.

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