Saturday, July 27, 2013

Simply Speechless

As the hulking carriage slowly creeped forward on the slanted threads of wire above us, I could only keep my eyes fixated on what was outside the lucid mirrors, unable to shift my attentions anywhere else. Every second in the clustered cable car, as we soared higher and higher, I could scarcely believe the view that was rapidly unfolding below and before us.  I marveled at the wide, curved mouth of Guanabara Bay, which gently swept around the countless, gray, stocky buildings that sprouted out of the ground.  As for the waters, they appeared to consist of a smooth, pale-blue sheet glass that glinted vibrantly in the sunlight.  To our left was the golden stretch of a shore, embraced by rows upon rows of white buildings. And yet, in spite of their vast multitude, staggering, granite mountains effortlessly broke through the sea of industrial white and gray, demanding immediate attention and respect.
      Not wanting to miss any part of our three-minute journey two and from the peaks, I allowed my eyes to wander restlessly, hastily absorbing all of the minute details of our current location. Far to my right was the overwhelming sight of the Atlantic Ocean, which was every possible hue of blue, ranging from vibrant cobalt, to teal, to azure, to a dull, shimmering gray. Amidst this seemingly endless abyss of blue, rose shallow land masses, that were earthy brown, but laurelled with abundant verdant vegetation. I looked straight ahead once more, to see Corcovado, a steep, regal beast, which rose with great pride over the landscape, regarding its counterparts with mutual respect and admiration. And standing alone on that very peak was the stark silhouette of Christ the Redeemer himself. I was simply speechless.  

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