Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Anticipating a Flight

        We are now in the Baltimore-Washington Airport until our next flight to Charlotte, NC. From there, we fly to Rio de Janiero. It's actually  hard to believe that this is happening. Just a few weeks ago, I carelessly glanced at a picture of the Christ Redeemer and smiled, admiring its commanding gaze and doubting that I would ever go there. 
      "Brazil?" I thought, "That's on a completely different continent. My idea of a tiring, yet fulfilling experience is a trip to Costco and the local grocery store," And yet, here I am. We had printed the boarding tickets reading Charlotte and Rio de Janiero, passed the security check in, and finally found our gate. I can't help but thinking that once we've reached Charlotte, our journey has only  just begun, and we haven't even left the United States.

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