Sunday, July 7, 2013

Initiating the Notebook

Today, I finally initiate this lovely notebook. The reason I like it so much is the utter simplicity of its  bare pages. Anyway, enough with my babbling. Let us get to business. Today was my last day of school, and now I am officially free of the weighty burdens of grueling tests and essays! least for two months. However, that isn’t the only bit of stirring news, for today we fly to Brazil. By “we”, I mean me, my mum, and my dad. I’m slightly nervous for what we might find there, but I’m also excited. We’ve heard reviews on forums of Rio de Janiero ranging from, “It’s paradise. Rio will capture your heart and soul…” to “It’s terrible. My two friends were mugged there.” Nonetheless, as the gutsy travelers we are, we shall explore Rio, Brazil, and all of its wonders, no matter what becomes of us!

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